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Expert Talk: Making Use of New I40 Ecosystems in Pharma

Save the date: 24 March 2021 – 14:00 CET

In this 45-minutes virtual Expert Talk you will gain valuable insights by participating in a moderated discussion after getting an impulse speech from EFESO expert Mr. Gernot Schaefer, Partner/VP at EFESO.

Get to know the challenges and chances from your industry with the customer voice from Mr. Bas van Laarhoven, Technology Manager at DFE Pharma. You will also have the opportunity to share your questions and practical experiences. The Expert Talk takes place with a limited number of participants and picks up the following topics:

  • Old Paradigms vs. New I40 Ecosystems
  • Future Smart Factory Scenario in Pharma
  • I40 Challenges and Chances for Pharma Companies
  • Q&A


In the past we used to implement large and complex monolith IT applications. Many companies are still about to follow this way in their nowadays digitization journeys, not knowing that new upcoming and innovative I40 platform solutions are now giving the chance to build up scalable and flexible I40 ecosystem, by making use of existing applications. Get to know from our experts these leading-edge technologies and experience how chances and potentials for pharma companies look like and learn from a customer how this could boost both efficiency and sales.

Participation fee: free


Please register directly via ZOOM for this webinar:


Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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