Our services for industrial digitalization

The consultants of ROI-EFESO are Europe's leading experts for industrial digitalization, Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT. Our multidisciplinary expertise is based on in-depth technical, methodological and technological know-how as well as access to top benchmarks in digitalization through the presentation of the renowned INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD and extensive experience from several hundred projects. In addition, ROI-EFESO operates its own learning factories/IoT Fabs and is involved in the committees and associations relevant to the implementation of digitalization, such as BitKom and IIC. Our services for industrial digitalization include the following topics:

ROI-EFESO process model for industrial digitalization and Industry 4.0


Case Study

A mechanical engineering company wants to activate the digital innovation potential at its global locations by switching from SAP R/3 to SAP S/4HANA. Together with ROI-EFESO, it revitalized an ERP / MES transformation that had previously been started with another service provider and threatened to lead to a costly dead end.

Case Study

The ROI-EFESO case study describes how a confectionery manufacturer is expanding its competitive position with a comprehensive digitalization initiative. With ROI-EFESO, it is expanding the successes already achieved by its WCOM (*World Class Operations Management) program in the direction of highly digitalized production.

Bild eines Monitors der das Haus steuert
©zhu difeng/shutterstock.com
Case Study

Transformation through smart product development. A job for the "I-Team": A strong development team at a manufacturer of household appliances recorded solid success. But now customers want to network kitchen appliances, refrigerators and mixers in the “smart home”. ROI-EFESO established an "I-Team" with the fresh perspective of "digital natives" and accompanied the internal change with great success.

Mann mit futuristischem Tablet in einer Fabrik mit End-to-End Digitalisierung
Case Study

In the furniture industry, the use of digital technologies can pay off in several ways: with virtual reality, big data analytics or online configurators, additional sales channels can be opened up. With a globally represented bed manufacturer, ROI-EFESO implemented an "end-to-end digitization" project that took into account all relevant stages of value creation: from the customer experience to ordering to production and logistics.

Arbeiter an einer Fertigungsstraße
Case Study

Whether in the automotive, mechanical engineering or consumer goods industry: Quality problems are treacherous. If they remain undetected or ignored, they already cost a lot of money. In order to bring quality management to a new level of performance, the right combination of proven measures and new technologies must be found. With the lean supply chain management approach from ROI-EFESO, companies can develop in many ways in terms of quality.

Case Study

An automotive supplier improved the transparency of work and organizational processes in a production plant for dashboards. With a "Digital Process Twin" from ROI-EFESO, the company reduced the reject rate and made improvement potentials in its value creation networks visible.

Zwei sitzende Frauen klatschen
Lean Digital Manager ©S_L/shutterstock.com
Case Study

Shaping the factory of the future with Lean 4.0. How can lean principles be combined with the technologies and possibilities of networked digitization in value creation networks? By further qualifying employees to become decision-makers. The ROI-EFESO certification program for "Lean Digital Manager" shows how digitalization of lean production works. To do this, it combines strategies with Industry 4.0 technologies.

Zwei Maenner vor einem Computer
©Alessandro Romagnoli/shutterstock.com
Case Study

The energy market is data-driven, smart solutions determine the business model. In order to always be a step ahead of the competition, one thing is required: flexibility in thinking and acting. A utility company wanted to take the performance of its global R&D organization to a new level. In the first step, together with ROI-EFESO, it obtained a general overview of the respective degree of agilization of the various R&D units and processes.

Mann mit Kontrollpanel zur Prozessoptimierung der Produktion
Case Study

Predictive Quality and Production. Find out how a Tier 1 automotive supplier was faced with the task of developing electromechanical components for a future electric vehicle concept. With a steep start-up curve to the customer's usual series quality, the company had to implement a new production technology with new materials. Together with ROI-EFESO, it expanded its necessary core competencies.

Case Study

Performance increase on the shop floor. Should every employee receive shift planning via smartphone? Or the plant management can compare solution proposals on a virtual dashboard in real time in the event of disruptions in the production flow? Thanks to the available IoT technologies, these and many other work simplifications of a digital shop floor management can be easily implemented today. Automobile manufacturers in particular like to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization and already have various systems in use, at all stages of maturity.

ROI Case Studie - Smart Factory Planning
Case Study

What does the ideal factory of the future look like? Do products there control their production completely independently? A pharmaceuticals and life sciences company plans the main directions for the smart factory transformation of four plants in just one month. Together with ROI-EFESO, the project team creates a "big picture" as a basis for planning and tests three prioritized technologies in pilot projects.

Case Study

End-to-end supply chain digitalisation in the healthcare sector. Putting together and ordering the desired product according to your own needs at the click of a mouse in the online configurator: these customer requirements must not only be met by companies in the consumer goods industry. This interaction is also highly relevant for manufacturers of medical, customisable products. However, whether assistants, support stockings or other products expand the B2C business in this way depends on the digital maturity of the logistics and production processes.

Detailaufnahme einer Produktion in der Pharmaindustrie
@Adobe Stock
Case Study

A manufacturer of thickening, binding and coating agents is established as a reliable supplier in the pharmaceutical industry. Master an Industry 4.0 transformation in 12 months and fulfill the growth strategy. With the first test pilots for the use of smart analytics, RFID trackers and a customer portal, the company is already on the right track. Because without digitization or Industry 4.0 technologies, the set goals cannot be achieved.

Case Study

A manufacturer of machinery and special machines has already achieved a high level of automation in its production processes. Now the company is setting its sights on further, cross-departmental goals for process automation. Together with ROI-EFESO, it is defining fields of application in the operations area in which Robot Process Automation (RPA) tools are to ensure time savings and relieve employees.

Case Study

A dairy company is continuing its success story with a clear vision: After times of war and factory fires, it is building the most technologically advanced "Future Factory" in its region. With ROI-EFESO, the company is developing a concept for the factory, which is to be built on 70,000 square meters by 2030 - and is combining this planning with a digitization/Industry 4.0 initiative for ongoing production

Case Study

A start-up wants to position itself as one of the highest-volume European heat pump manufacturers within only four years. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, ROI-EFESO develops a production and material flow planning for the construction of the planned Gigafactory and ensures a fast scalability of the production capacities through a Smart Factory concept.