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Newsletter #03/2023 – THE BEST OF THE BEST IN INDUSTRY 4.0

The winners of the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD inspire with success stories for the implementation of digitalization, IIoT or sustainability strategies. The application phase for this year's competition of the "best of the best" in Industry 4.0 has already begun – now we look forward to your participation!

The award winners achieve and maintain their level of excellence in many areas of value creation. For example, in the implementation of new sustainability guidelines or in the context of employee qualification. We have compiled corresponding starting points for you in this newsletter issue.


INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD 2023: application phase started!

You show how smart value creation works – for example in a Future Factory, in the digitalization of your supply chains or with a sustainability initiative? Then place your Industry 4.0 success story now in the running for the INDUSTRIE 4.0 AWARD 2023!

Winners benefit in several ways from the prestigious award: the prize serves as acknowledgement and motivation for your team and, as an independent and free seal of approval, confirms the innovative strength of your company in the international Industry 4.0 environment.

Apply now



Top positions for EFESO

EFESO is currently represented in three rankings of the consulting market: for the renowned industry report "Beste Unternehmensberater" (Best Management Consultants) by the business magazine "brand eins", around 3,300 respondents once again confirmed our top position in the "Mechanical and Plant Engineering" sector as well as in "Operations Management".

A recent market study of the magazine FOCUS also sees us as a "TOP Consultant 2023" for the mechanical and plant engineering sector. With a project on the sustainable transformation of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, we also achieved first place in the "Special Sustainability Award" of the "Best of Consulting Award 2022" by the business magazine WirtschaftsWoche. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all participants for the evaluations that led to the receipt of these awards!

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Webinar: EU taxonomy

The EU taxonomy regulation require companies to disclose their environmental performance. In the free webinar "EU taxonomy: how to master its content and its impact on your organization?" on April 26, 2023, we explain the most important aspects on this topic: what deadlines must be met? How does the directive affect companies? What methodology can be used to fulfill the reporting obligation in a compliant manner?

Tim Ballenberger, Senior Consultant at EFESO, and Florian Santolini, Regional Director at kShuttle, will provide you with these and other practical implementation tips. Take the chance to benefit from the expert know-how on the topic in time!

Sign up for the webinar      Read the interview



Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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