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ROI Study: Milestones for the R&D Footprint

A new study from ROI Management Consulting AG reveals trends in the global management of research and development.

Corporate research and development (R&D) departments are undergoing radical change. More and more companies are discovering that the technological competence of their think tanks alone is no longer enough to ensure longterm success. This is also confirmed by the findings of the latest trend study entitled "R&D Landscape 2025" from ROI Management Consulting AG. According to the study, the global management of R&D in the next ten years will be a critical factor for economic survival – but this is exactly what many German companies are very much neglecting, as comments by some 60 decision-makers in R&D, production and purchasing departments in both large corporations and SMEs indicate.



Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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