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ROI wins “Hidden Champions of the consulting market 2018”

ROI again category winner „Engineering & Production” in the WGMB study “Hidden Champions of the consulting market 2018”

Munich, December 14, 2017 – In the recent study „Hidden Champions In Consulting 2018“ conducted by WGMB and the business magazine CAPITAL the ROI Management Consulting AG takes the first place in the consulting segment “Engineering & Production”.  This makes ROI the winner of this category for the second consecutive year with a clear advantage over its main competitors McKinsey, BCG, Bain and all other specialized consultancies considered. The category covers the core competencies of ROI with the topics Production, R&D,Operational Efficiency, Shop Floor Management, Global Footprint and Industry 4.0.

With its sixth edition, the study "Hidden Champions Of The Consulting Market" by the Scientific Society for Management and Consulting (WGMB) and the business magazine CAPITAL rank among the most prestigious studies in the consulting industry. Using a structured, in-depth survey of 734 executives from large and mid-sized companies, the study identified which highly specialized but relatively unknown consulting firms in their field of expertise are rated higher by their clients than the three major consulting firms McKinsey, BCG, and Bain. 

"Research, engineering, production and networking in the context of Industry 4.0 are by far the most complex issues for the manufacturing industry. Here, the strategies for digital transformation must be translated into sustainable processes, structures and competencies", said Hans-Georg Scheibe, CEO of ROI Management Consulting AG. “These particularly long-term and far-reaching decisions have to be made faster and faster and with increasing uncertainty. In the process we stand by our customers. We are very pleased that this work receives such a positive response. " 

Consulting companies that qualify as "hidden champions" in the context of the WGMB study have an unsupported degree of recognition, which is in the top management of large German companies with an annual turnover of more than 1 billion € 15 percent at the maximum. In addition, a hidden champion is active in the same market as McKinsey, BCG or Bain: the proportion of his clients who also work with one or more of the three champions must be at least 50% in the sample examined. In addition, the competence of the Hidden Champion must be rated higher than in all three champions in at least one consulting area or sector. Among the most important selection and evaluation criteria for consulting firms were among others: the expertise, the thoughtfulness and the ability of the consultants to implement the solutions.


Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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