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Teambuilding Event by EFESO

Teambuilding Event by EFESO from October 26-29, 2022 in Tyrol, Austria.
A review by Anna Reitinger, Head of Marketing

How can we make ourselves even more attractive as an employer?

This was the motto for the excursion of the entire DACH team of EFESO. With the help of a team of experts on the topic of employer branding, the planning and preparation of the event days began months before departure. In anonymous sessions, the colleagues were asked what their motives were for choosing EFESO as an employer or what makes them stay with EFESO after many years of employment.

The insights were more than exciting! The best insight of all was the fact that most colleagues work for us because of the "we-feeling". Other elements were the flexibility we offer as an employer and the trust we have in our employees. The fact that our teams consist of competent and respectful colleagues was also highly rated. Oh yes - we are also particularly humorous and charming apart from the fact that our salaries are above the benchmark.

With this solid preparation we went on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 to Tyrol in the stylish Nidum Hotel, which we were allowed to call our own for the next 3 days.

After an exciting kick-off session by our team of experts, it was now time to enjoy the great autumn weather of Tyrol and to further strengthen the "we-feeling" in various groups during outdoor activities. A mountain bike tour in the mountains followed by a stop in a picturesque hut, an archery competition in which it turned out that we have absolute professionals in the team and a lesson in "survival in the wilderness" were the program for Thursday.

Still a bit tired from the get-together the evening before, everyone was quickly fit and eager to learn again when it was time on Friday to work in 10 working groups to develop ideas for the "EFESO Employee Journey". Here, the team worked on topics such as:

  • How can we ensure a consistently positive experience throughout the application process?
  • What development opportunities does the global EFESO network offer?
  • How do we strengthen the "we feeling" in times of remote work?
  • How can personal development and project planning be reconciled?

and many other topics, which were then presented to the entire team. In addition to our board of directors, the EFESO Group CEOs did not miss this opportunity and the entire management team was enthusiastic about the doer mentality and the professionalism of our staff. The result was a lot of exciting approaches, which now need to be put into practice in the coming weeks and months.

Our time in Tyrol was rounded off with a gala dinner in the style of the Sicilian 60s.

There was a murder case to solve! The legendary Mafia boss Antonio Dutto was murdered. Now the most different roles had to be taken. The not grieving daughter, the chief of police, the personal doctor, the mayoress, an aging opera singer and her unfaithful husband together with his playmate and son, the bodyguard and many other characters were embodied by us. In addition to the individual detective work, it quickly became clear who was able to obtain further information by means of bribery or who was able to lay a false trail through perfect acting. Either way, we had an enormous amount of fun and partied until late into the night.

After a rich breakfast in bright sunshine we left Tyrol and our colleagues on Saturday with the feeling
- We are a super team!


Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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