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"A Single Data Layer and One Solution to Control All Processes."

Experte:    Piero Donaggio, Managing Director, FibonnaciLab   |   01/23/2025   |   Teilen auf in

Piero Donaggio, Managing Director at FibonnaciLab, and his team develop solutions to integrate large data sets and improve operations. 


Mr. Donaggio, the INDUSTRIAL FUTURE DAY focuses on solutions that help companies make progress in the areas of digitalization and increasing efficiency. How do you help your clients in these areas?

Piero Donaggio: Put simply, we combine big data and AI to help companies achieve their digitalization goals, especially in the supply chain. We typically develop solutions to optimize operations such as production, logistics and warehousing. Not only do we have the technical know-how to do this, but we also understand the business context.

A key competence is our ability to measure and evaluate the data maturity level. We have developed a series of quick scan tools that give the customer a comprehensive understanding of the data quality, its completeness and the extent to which it can be effectively used for digital transformation. Companies need certainty that the data and the structures in which it is managed are set up correctly. That way, we can ensure that our work is effective. And we have the means to quantify this very quickly.

Our range of solutions is broad. For example, we develop industrial digital twins, systems for integrated production planning and dedicated tools for forecasting demand and stock levels. We have examples of clients who have been able to increase sales by 20 to 30% simply through more precise forecasting, with a significant impact on their operating result.

Could you provide us with an insight into such a client project?

PD: An exciting example is our collaboration with one of the world's leading providers in the hospitality and tourism industry. The business combines a number of typically siloed operations, from gastronomy and retail to hospitality. Our task was to bring together and orchestrate all the data in a single data cloud. This was a very important step for the company. With our scan, we were initially able to reveal all the individual data sets, understand their origin, quality and processing and determine how they could be improved at source.

Depending on whether the data comes from a warehouse or from the purchasing department, for example, we identify the measures needed to achieve and maintain the required level of quality. Once all the data and the parameters in the data warehouse are set correctly, the next step is to introduce a company-specific digital solution to provide the best possible support for day-to-day operations.

In this client's case, we have developed, among other things, a new order management system that is used to streamline the ordering process. Whether consumables, food or products for the stores, all orders run through the central system. The data is again evaluated and flows into the planning process. The employees receive corresponding forecasts for requirements and therefore know how much they need to order.

As final result, this client now has a single data layer for the entire company. On top of that, we have developed a digital solution to control all of their processes. The benefits are enormous. For example, in the first year alone, the client was able to reduce its inventory by around five to six million euros.

"As final result, this client now has a single data layer for the entire company."

What trends are you currently observing that are particularly relevant for the industrial future?

PD: There is a lot of hype around AI today, and after all, we are also using it extensively in our work with clients. I believe that companies that don't get on board or don't understand the opportunities that this technology offers, will suffer in the future because they won’t be able to keep up with progress.

One aspect of AI that I think is currently greatly underestimated is the cyber security element. Companies and people in general are increasingly relying on AI to do their normal jobs. But the more they rely on it, the greater the risk of malicious data and information being fed into it that doesn't match their objectives and can disrupt operations. Currently, there is hardly any knowledge or expertise in this area. We are still at the very beginning of the journey. However, the risk is there. Companies should be aware and learn to manage it.

Please give us a brief preview of your presentation at INDUSTRIAL FUTURE DAY 2025. What can participants look forward to?

PD: We will be delving deeper into our data scan tools and the factor of data quality, as these are issues that affect every business. We will explain how the quality of data exactly affects the quality of operations and how it relates to the company's profits and losses. We will be backing all the above with several illustrative examples from our projects.



Find out from Piero Donaggio at our event how you can use AI to optimize your supply chain management.




Anna Reitinger

Anna Reitinger

Chief Marketing Officer DACH, EFESO
Tel.: +49 89 1215 90-0

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