Wood products and sawmill industry
The increasing demand for wood products coupled with the depletion of forests is leading to a strain on the available raw materials. Additionally, environmental concerns related to deforestation and waste management pose significant hurdles for the industry. ROI-EFESO creates solutions such as:
Adoption of green technologies
The growing demand for wood products is leading to excessive deforestation worldwide, depleting valuable wood resources. With environmentally friendly technologies such as advanced milling processes and energy-efficient plants, the industry can significantly reduce its overall ecological footprint. Especially automated sawing systems, computerized numerical control (CNC) machinery, and real-time monitoring systems enable precise and efficient wood processing.
Minimizing fibre travel
How to design and implement supply chain strategies that prioritize sourcing raw materials from local or nearby regions? By this, companies are reducing transportation-related environmental impacts and support at the same time regional economies. With ROI-EFESO, they can improve their understanding of the availability of fibers and realign their production and logistics strategically and operationally.
Ensuring occupational safety
With ROI-EFESO, companies realize operational solutions that are prioritizing the well-being of workers. Automated safety equipment, training programs for employees and the implementation of state-of-the-art safety protocols are particularly important here. They make a significant contribution to protecting employees and minimize the risk of accidents and disruptions in the production process.
Further solutions for the forest and fibre-based packaging industry